does make-up cause cancer? The ugly truth
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Does make-up cause cancer? The shocking truth.

So does make up cause cancer? The answer seems to be -- yes. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, fully 884 chemicals used in cosmetics have been found to be toxic and this fact has been reported to the Government.

The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FFDCA) is supposed to oversee the safety of cosmetics, among its other functions. Shockingly, this Act does not require manufacturers to conduct adequate safety testing or get approvals before any cosmetic product is introduced into the market. And the US Food and Drug Administration only enters into the picture with enforcement actions after damaging cosmetic products enter the market.

The 884 toxic chemicals used in the cosmetic industry (and this may not be a comprehensive number) are known to cause dangerous mutations, genetic damage and of course, cancer. Due to lack of adequate regulations, products containing these chemicals continue to be sold.

There are some 2000+ cosmetics manufacturers in the country. It is estimated that less than half of them are even registered. Many manufacturers do not have enough data on safety tests and in some cases, have apparently refused to share data relating to safety tests.

Several types of health problems may be directly attributable to cosmetics use. Eye irritation, allergies, skin irritation, photosensitivity and other health issues experienced by users of cosmetics are often not linked by the users to cosmetic products. Or if they are, the users accept these problems as an unavoidable cost associated with looking good.

Cosmetics are dangerous because the skin in human beings is highly permeable. It can and does absorb ingredients in cosmetic products into the body. This is particularly true of products like facial makeup, which is left on the skin for extended periods of time. Does make-up cause cancer? It is difficult to believe that it does not.

For instance, one study shows that fully 49 percent of the DDT present in cosmetics (DDT is often found in products that contain lanolin) is absorbed into the skin. Butylate hydroxytoluene (BHT) is s preservative used in some cosmetic products. About 13% of this chemical is absorbed through the skin.

Bronopol is a chemical found in several cosmetic products. It is used in some of the world's most expensive cosmetic products as well as in many well=known, heavily advertised brands of baby products. One famous brand that dubs is products as containing "natural" ingredients was found to use bronopol. This chemical can break down into nitrosamines that cause cancer. It can also break down into formaldehyde.

Many hair dyes, particularly dark colors, are known to cause cancer, including Hodgkin's disease and lymphoma. It may be better to use natural hair coloring products that are also somewhat effective.

Does make-up cause cancer? It is fairly certain that it does. And cancer-causing make up includes many high profile brands that entice you with alluring promotions and other sales gimmicks.

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